Which Character from “The Grinch ”You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Astrologer Valerie Mesa reveals which character from the beloved Dr. Seuss story you are, based on your zodiac sign

Dec 11, 2024 - 11:04
Which Character from “The Grinch ”You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Astrologer Valerie Mesa reveals which character from the beloved Dr. Seuss story you are, based on your zodiac sign

Alamy (2); Shutterstock Which character from 'The Grinch' you are based on your zodiac sign

Alamy (2); Shutterstock Which character from 'The Grinch' you are based on your zodiac sign

Everyone's favorite time of year is almost here... unless you're The Grinch.

The Christmas-hating Grinch was first introduced in 1957 by the beloved children's author Dr. Seuss in How The Grinch Stole Christmas! In the book, the cynical green character successfully steals Christmas from his cheerful neighbors in Whoville — with help from his pet dog Max — and learns the true meaning of Christmas along the way.

Whether you love Christmas or not, astrology can determine whether you're a cheerful Who or the Grinch himself. Air signs may find that they relate most to sweet Cindy Lou Who while Water signs may sympathize with The Grinch's personality.

Read on to find out which character from The Grinch you really are, according to astrologer Valerie Mesa.

Aries: Axl

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Axl

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Axl

This Who from the 2018 animated adaptation of The Grinch is "bold, impulsive, and not afraid to jump into action." Mesa says Axl has a "fiery, competitive edge" like Aries and is "always ready to take charge and doesn’t hesitate to make things happen, exactly what you’d expect from this Fire sign."

Taurus: Lou Lou Who

Universal Pictures Lou Lou Who

Universal Pictures Lou Lou Who

As Cindy Lou Who's father in the 2000 live-action film, Lou Lou Who is the ultimate Taurus. Mesa says "he’s chill, grounded, and loves the simple pleasures of life."

"He loves a good tradition and doesn’t rush anything," she continues. "He enjoys life at his own pace, which aligns closely with Taurus energy."

Gemini: Drew Lou and Stu Who

Universal Pictures Drew Lou Who

Universal Pictures Drew Lou Who

Cindy Lou Who's brothers, Drew Lou and Stu, are best matched with Geminis since the sign represents siblings. Mesa adds that despite his "cowardly persona" in the film, Drew's "curiosity and mischief resemble this Mercury-ruled sign most."

Cancer: Max

Getty Images Max

Getty Images Max

The Grinch's loyal pup is considered "a Cancer through and through." Mesa explains that "Cancer is the caretaker of the zodiac, and Max is all heart — protective, loving, and always standing by his grumpy master no matter what."

Leo: Martha May Whovier

Photo by Melinda Sue Gordon/Imagine Ent/Kobal/Shutterstock Martha May Whovier

Photo by Melinda Sue Gordon/Imagine Ent/Kobal/Shutterstock Martha May Whovier

Mesa considers Martha the "quintessential Leo" since she "craves and basks in the spotlight." She adds that "Martha May owns every room she walks into, like the sun. She craves and basks in the spotlight. The glamour, the confidence, the drama — Leos live for that."

Virgo: Betty Lou Who

AJ Pics / Alamy Stock Photo Betty Lou Who

AJ Pics / Alamy Stock Photo Betty Lou Who

Mesa calls Cindy's mom Betty Lou Who a "typical Virgo" since she's "practical and organized." She says since "Virgos are detail-oriented, Betty Lou is a mom who knows exactly what’s needed to keep the holiday spirit alive in Whoville."

Libra: Miss Rue Who

Universal Pictures Miss Rue Who

Universal Pictures Miss Rue Who

Miss Rue Who embodies Libra energy's peacekeeping energy while she tries to maintain decorum in the classroom. Mesa adds that since Venus rules over Libra, Miss Rue Who also has a "snazzy sense of style" that she loves to show off.

Scorpio: The Grinch

Universal/Getty The Grinch

Universal/Getty The Grinch

While The Grinch himself has previously hinted that he is a Sagittarius, Mesa says that the green grump actually embodies "classic Scorpio energy" as he is "intense, emotional and not afraid to dig into his own darkness to make a huge change."

"Everything from his polarizing essence to his overall transformation is very Plutonian," she explains. "He starts out bitter and cold, but by the end, he's shedding his old skin and evolves into a more kind and understands the meaning of Christmas,"

Sagittarius: Bricklebaum

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Bricklebaum

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Bricklebaum

Like Sagittarius, Bricklebaum is "pure energy, optimism and adventure all rolled into one." Mesa says "Sagittarians are the fun, spontaneous Fire signs of the zodiac, and Bricklebaum is always ready to bring the party to Whoville."

Capricorn: Mayor Augustus May Who

Photo by Melinda Sue Gordon/Imagine Ent/Kobal/Shutterstock Augustus May Who

Photo by Melinda Sue Gordon/Imagine Ent/Kobal/Shutterstock Augustus May Who

As Mayor of Whoville, Augustus May Who embodies Capricorn traits in order to maintain order and peace in the city. Mesa adds that "he’s all about structure, responsibility, and keeping everything in check in Whoville."

Aquarius: Cindy Lou Who

Maximum Film / Alamy Stock Photo Cindy Lou Who

Maximum Film / Alamy Stock Photo Cindy Lou Who

Young Cindy Lou Who is the ultimate Aquarius. In the film, Mesa says that "she's the one who looks around and asks, 'Why is everyone doing things this way?'"

"Aquarius is all about questioning the norm and pushing boundaries, and Cindy Lou is a little rebel at heart," she continues. "She’s sweet but not afraid to go against the grain and see the best in others, even when no one else does." 

Pisces: Groopert

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Groopert

Photo by Illumination/Universal/Kobal/Shutterstock  Groopert

In The Grinch, Groopert embodies Pisces energy throughout the film. Mesa explains "Groopert’s that guy who’s just trying to go with the flow but ends up in a hilariously vulnerable situation, which screams Pisces."