‘Rule of Two Walls’ Review: Ukrainian Artists Find Refuge Amid War in This First-Hand, Hauntingly Meta Documentary

Incessant and nerve-shattering, the cacophony of the sounds of war — shelling, air-raid alarms, explosions — has seemingly muffled the voices of those under Russian attack in Ukraine. Yet, as Ukrainian citizens learn to coexist with the destruction that plagues their quotidian comings and goings, the resilience of the country’s artists couldn’t be more thunderous. […]

‘Rule of Two Walls’ Review: Ukrainian Artists Find Refuge Amid War in This First-Hand, Hauntingly Meta Documentary
Incessant and nerve-shattering, the cacophony of the sounds of war — shelling, air-raid alarms, explosions — has seemingly muffled the voices of those under Russian attack in Ukraine. Yet, as Ukrainian citizens learn to coexist with the destruction that plagues their quotidian comings and goings, the resilience of the country’s artists couldn’t be more thunderous. […]