Plane Passenger Calls Out 6-Foot-5 Seatmate for ‘Constantly Shoving’ the Seat in Front of Him to Get Comfortable
As the tall passenger gave the flyer in the seat in from of him a bumpy ride, a flight attendant intervened before things got too heated

As the tall passenger gave the flyer in the seat in from of him a bumpy ride, a flight attendant intervened before things got too heated Getty A view down at the legs and feet of an adult within the seating of an passenger aircraft, the leg space very small.
A tall plane passenger who repeatedly shoved the seat in front of him got moved to the exit row before things got too heated, according to a fellow flyer.
A traveler who was flying from Palm Beach, Fla., to Atlanta, Ga., on Tuesday, Dec. 24, witnessed the bumpy ordeal and took to Reddit to vent about it.
While sitting on the plane, the original poster (OP) says he saw a 6-foot-5 passenger sit in an aisle seat sent to him. Because he was so tall, he “sandwiched his legs” and pressed his knees into the occupied seat in front of him — a seat he noted was not even reclined.
According to the OP, who goes by the name REAXIONMedia, that’s when the tall guy proceeded to give the passenger sitting in front of him a bumpy ride before take off.
“He proceeds to push the back of the seat forward with his hands,” recalls the OP. “He does similar adjustments before we take off at least 4-5 more times, just constantly shoving the seat back of the other seat forward.”
According to the OP, the tall passenger made no attempt to spread his legs to the side or simply scoot them under the seat in front of him. He just kept “his legs locked at 90 degrees.” Getty Airplane passengers upset with each other.
The passenger sitting in the seat in front of him was becoming visibly irate and “was honestly about 10 seconds away from yelling at him.” Thankfully, a flight attendant noticed the situation before things got too heated and she moved the tall passenger to the much wider emergency exit row — a move he feels should’ve been made by the tall passenger from the get-go.
“Just because you're tall, doesn't mean you need to make others uncomfortable around you, especially when you have other ways of positioning your legs,” stressed the OP. “Additionally, if you know you have issues with your legs being so long, just get a seat in the evac row and call it a day.”
Other Redditors chimed offering similar solutions to the matter, some even suggested that taller passengers should pay extra and sit in business class.
“My older brother is just under 6’5, with very long limbs,” said one user. “He mostly flies business/first for this very reason; but, if for some reason he doesn’t, he makes damn sure to get an evac row seat.”
But another user, who identifies as being a tall person, sees that as the short end of the stick for his kind.
“If you are that tall, you have a lot of advantages in life. One major disadvantage, you have to book either first class or exit rows when flying,” commented one user.
“I'm 6'8" and I can usually juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust fit my legs in normal Economy seats, but I'd rather not because I've had many times where the person in front of me wants to recline and when my knee is already touching (regardless of how I position myself) it really sucks,” chimed in another tall flyer. “I usually pay for at least Comfort+ but when it's not too ridiculously expensive I do First Class.” Mike Stocker/South Florida Sun Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images Palm Beach International Airport
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But not all tall passengers are alike, stressed another commenter, who thinks the tall passenger mentioned in the Reddit post could give other towering flyers a bad reputation.
“As a tall person, I’m just here to write that not all talls are as bad as this dude,” said another user.
At end of the day, if you’re a person of an above-average height, just be courteous to your fellow passengers.
“I'm that tall and I manage to not bother others flying in coach,” adds another tall flyer. “This dude is just an entitled douche.”