GREG GUTFELD: Biden and the Democrats are truly bad at everything, including losing

'Gutfeld!' panelists discuss why Democrats lost the 2024 presidential election.

Jan 8, 2025 - 04:37
GREG GUTFELD: Biden and the Democrats are truly bad at everything, including losing

So it's clear that MAGA may be the most consequential political movement in a century. But right now we're experiencing another movement. And unlike MAGA, this one really stinks.

VIDEO: Biden's last BM!

Yeah. You won't see that on the Faulkner Focus. So, he's crapping on us, OK? Follow me. You saw that Biden just released 11 detainees with suspected al-Qaeda ties from Gitmo, including two of Bin Laden's bodyguards. I believe we have a picture of the bodyguards right here. But wait, as Joy Behar once said after her doctor sawed off a dozen skin tags, there's more. Joe just banned all drilling offshore, and it has nothing to do with Epstein's island. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, Joe. Let's make energy prices skyrocket when people are already having a hard time economically. 

He understands the nation, like P Diddy understands the age of consent. In yet another bold move guaranteed to restore American greatness, the White House decided to ban natural-gas-fired water heaters. And here I thought these d**** love to gaslight. But I understand why Joe despises fossil fuels, since that's what Joe's going to be when they cremate him. This, on top of Biden's commutation of federal death row inmates, ensuring that taxpayers are on the hook for the lifelong care and feeding of murderers and child rapists. F**** Democrats. They look at murderers on death row like starving children in Africa. For just a few dollars a month, you can keep them fed and clothed.

I'm surprised they don't send us a picture of them every month and a letter telling us how well they're doing. Dear Greg, I only shanked two guards today and me and the boys are hosting a toilet wine tasting in Cellblock C. Think about it. The money that would go to feeding your kid goes to feed a heinous criminal. But enough about Liz Cheney's pension. Then there's the pardons, including the one he promised us was never coming. If you believe that, I've got an MSNBC to sell you. We already talked about his medals of freedom. 

What a joke. What's next? Hunter getting a Purple Heart for getting crabs in the Navy? What's going on here? First, Biden and the Democrats are truly bad at everything, including losing. They lost and instead of maybe asking, Hey, did we misread the room, they decided the problem isn't them. It's the room. And so what did they do? They trashed the room, i.e., our country. They're like the bitter ex you just dumped who keys your car, poisons the fish in your koi pond, burns all your copies of penthouse letters. It's the last time I date anyone from Outnumbered. And like any bitter ex, they believe we just didn't understand how much they cared about us.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: And we really didn't show the kind of empathy and concern to average, or show enough of it, to average working families who didn't realize how much we had done and how much we care for them.

Really, penguin? What have you done to show that you cared? Released criminals? Destroyed the border? Defend the butchery of kids? The last time somebody cared about me that much, I was on Valtrex for three years. You want to know the worst part? We still don't know who's calling the shots. You think Joe actually knew who the killers were? Whose sentences he commuted? You think he really knew what he was signing when these orders on drilling came through? No. 

He thought he was ordering tapioca pudding for dessert. Right now, the White House is essentially a bunch of sullen brats fighting to get daddy to sign a will that gives them all the goodies they ever wanted. Out of anger, arrogance and disbelief that they didn't outsmart all of America, they're grabbing what they can as they go out the door like a smash and grab at Kay Jewelers. Now, they could reflect on what they did wrong and do better, but they're not interested in changing, only destroying. 


And by doing so, they remind Americans why they went with the other guy. It's quite a disparity. In this transition, it's a contrast unlike any I've ever seen. Have you? The incoming guy is determined to do the job for Americans -- to reciprocate your trust in him. You defended him, you fought for him. Now he's doing what you expect him to do. The outgoing guy? 

He's a cardboard corpse employed by unnamed radicals not to save America, but to punish it. And you, the American voter, have no impact on their desires. But wasn't that always the case with Democrats? It's just that now, everyone sees it.