
PoemsIn the barbershop it’s hard to tell an argumentfrom a discussion. Men in the barber’s chairtend to speak softly—especially if they’regetting a shave. Those sitting in the chairsalong the walls waiting their turn for a cutor a shave or both tend to speak loudly—sometimes shouting. I’m in a chair, waitingmy turn for a cut. I’m listening, not talking.The manicurist doing fingernails is inconversation with a man getting his nailstrimmed and polished. It’s about what a messthe world is in. The guy in Max’s chair sayslife is unfair. Death. Destruction. Disease.Viruses. He says the world is going to hellin a handbasket. My professor in college saidpeople have always believed the world wasabout to end. Sure, if you like metaphors, itends and starts every twenty-four hours again.

Feb 3, 2025 - 08:57

In the barbershop it’s hard to tell an argument

from a discussion. Men in the barber’s chair

tend to speak softly—especially if they’re

getting a shave. Those sitting in the chairs

along the walls waiting their turn for a cut

or a shave or both tend to speak loudly—

sometimes shouting. I’m in a chair, waiting

my turn for a cut. I’m listening, not talking.

The manicurist doing fingernails is in

conversation with a man getting his nails

trimmed and polished. It’s about what a mess

the world is in. The guy in Max’s chair says

life is unfair. Death. Destruction. Disease.

Viruses. He says the world is going to hell

in a handbasket. My professor in college said

people have always believed the world was

about to end. Sure, if you like metaphors, it

ends and starts every twenty-four hours again.

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