美文阅读 | 趵突泉的欣赏 Admiration of Baotu Spring (老舍)
Daily Quote We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our school-masters, and one from the world. The third contradicts all that the first two teach us. (Charles de Montesquieu) 我们接受三种教育,一种来自父母,一种是来自学校,还有一种来自世界,而第三种教给我们的内容与前两种相矛盾。(孟德斯鸠) Poem of the Day The Truly GreatBy Stephen Spender I think continually of those who were truly great.Who, from the womb, remembered the soul’s historyThrough corridors of light, where the hours are suns,Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambitionWas that their lips, still touched with fire,Should tell of the Spirit, clothed from head to foot in song.And who hoarded from the Spring branchesThe desires falling across their bodies like blossoms. What is precious, is never to forgetThe essential delight of the blood drawn from ageless springsBreaking through rocks in worlds before our earth.Never to deny its pleasure in the morning simple lightNor its grave evening demand for love.Never to allow gradually the traffic to smotherWith noise and fog, the flowering of the spirit. Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields,See how these names are fêted by the waving grassAnd by the streamers of white cloudAnd whispers of wind in the listening sky.The names of those who in their lives fought for life,Who wore at their hearts the fire’s centre.Born of the sun, they travelled a short while toward the sunAnd left the vivid air signed with their honour. Beauty of Words趵突泉的欣赏老舍 千佛山、大明湖和趵突泉,是济南的三大名胜。现在单讲趵突泉。 在西门外的桥上,便看见一溪活水,清浅,鲜洁,由南向北地流着。这就是由趵突泉流出来的。设若没有这泉,济南定会丢失了一半的美。但是泉的所在地并不是我们理想中的一个美景。这又是个中国人的征服自然的办法,那就是说,凡是自然的恩赐交到中国人手里就会把它弄得丑陋不堪。这块地方已经成了个市场。南门外是一片喊声,几阵臭气,从卖大碗面条与肉包子的棚子里出来。进了门有个小院,差不多是四方的。这里,“一毛钱四块”和“两毛钱一双”的喊声,与外面的“吃来”联成一片。一座假山,奇丑;穿过山洞,接连不断的棚子与地摊,东洋布,东洋瓷,东洋玩具,东洋……加劲地表示着中国人怎样热烈地“不”抵制劣货。这里很不易走过去,乡下人一群跟着一群地来,把路塞住。他们没有例外地全买一件东西还三次价,走开又回来摸索四五次。小脚妇女更了不得,你往左躲,她往左扭;你往右躲,她往右扭,反正不许你痛快地过去。 到了池边,北岸上一座神殿,南西东三面全是唱鼓书的茶棚,唱的多半是梨花大鼓,一声“哟”要拉长几分钟,猛听颇像产科医院的病室。除了茶棚还是日货摊子,说点别的吧! 泉太好了。泉池差不多见方,三个泉口偏西,北边便是条小溪流向西门去。看那三个大泉,一年四季,昼夜不停,老那么翻滚。你立定呆呆地看三分钟,你便觉出自然的伟大,使你不敢再正眼去看。永远那么纯洁,永远那么活泼,永远那么鲜明,冒,冒,冒,永不疲乏,永不退缩,只是自然有这样的力量!冬天更好,泉上起了一片热气,白而轻软,在深绿的长的水藻上飘荡着,使你不由得想起一种似乎神秘的境界。 池边还有小泉呢:有的像大鱼吐水,极轻快地上来一串小泡;有的像一串明珠,走到中途又歪下去,真像一串珍珠在水里斜放着;有的半天才上来一个泡,大,扁一点,慢慢地,有姿态地,摇动上来;碎了;看,又来了一个!有的好几串小碎珠一齐挤上来,像一朵攒整齐的珠花,雪白;有的……这比那大泉还更有味。 新近为增加河水的水量,又下了六根铁管,做成六个泉眼,水流得也很旺,但是我还是爱那原来的三个。 看完了泉,再往北走,经过一些货摊,便出了北门。 前年冬天一把大火把泉池南边的棚子都烧了。有机会改造了!造成一个公园,各处安着喷水管!东边做个游泳池!有许多人这样盼望。可是,席棚又搭好了,渐次改成了木板棚;乡下人只知道趵突泉,把摊子移到“商场”去(就离趵突泉几步)买卖就受损失了,于是“商场”四大皆空,还叫趵突泉作日货销售场。也许有道理。
Daily Quote
We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our school-masters, and one from the world. The third contradicts all that the first two teach us. (Charles de Montesquieu)
Poem of the Day
The Truly Great
By Stephen Spender
I think continually of those who were truly great.
Who, from the womb, remembered the soul’s history
Through corridors of light, where the hours are suns,
Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambition
Was that their lips, still touched with fire,
Should tell of the Spirit, clothed from head to foot in song.
And who hoarded from the Spring branches
The desires falling across their bodies like blossoms.
What is precious, is never to forget
The essential delight of the blood drawn from ageless springs
Breaking through rocks in worlds before our earth.
Never to deny its pleasure in the morning simple light
Nor its grave evening demand for love.
Never to allow gradually the traffic to smother
With noise and fog, the flowering of the spirit.
Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields,
See how these names are fêted by the waving grass
And by the streamers of white cloud
And whispers of wind in the listening sky.
The names of those who in their lives fought for life,
Who wore at their hearts the fire’s centre.
Born of the sun, they travelled a short while toward the sun
And left the vivid air signed with their honour.
Beauty of Words