美文阅读 | 泥土 Soil (R.S.托马斯)

Daily Quote It is a wise man’s duty to save himself for tomorrow, and not risk everything on one day. (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) 一个聪明人应该为明天预留退路,而不是孤注一掷。(米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉)Poem of the Day SoilBy R.S.Thomas A field with tall hedges and a youngMoon in the branches and one starDeclining westward set the sceneWhere he works slowly astride the rowsOf red marigolds and green swedesPlying mechanically his cold blade. This is his world, the hedge definesThe mind’s limits; only the skyIs boundless, and he never looks up;His gaze is deep in the dark soil,As are his feet. The soil is all;His hands fondle it, and his bonesAre formed out of it with the swedes.And if sometimes the knife errs,Burying itself in his shocked flesh,Then out of the wound the blood seeps homeTo the warm soils from which it came.Beauty of Words欣赏自己英培安 不怕直说,我是相当欣赏自己的。我承认自己有许多不如人的地方,但也知道并不老是这样差劲。所以,我做了一件事,写了一篇文章,只要自觉还不错我可以乐上几天,遇有人赞,更飘飘然得不像话;甚至还会忘其所以,插上几句自夸的话。 真的,我一点也不谦虚。 或者这就是自负吧,恐怕要给人骂了。但有什么不对呢? 我也欣赏别人,凡是好的东西我都欣赏。只懂得欣赏别人而忘了欣赏自己,岂不是太不公平了? 但是我们华人总是比较谦虚,而且引以为荣。自己的太太叫拙荆,文章曰拙作。如果你当真叫他的太太山芭婆,文章如狗屁,他保证勃然大怒,和你拍桌子绝交。其实,你所说的,和他说的,可能并没什么两样。 我认为,如果你的东西确是好的,直接说它好,没有什么不对。老王卖瓜,只要卖的是好瓜,为什么不能自卖自夸? 老兄,老王是靠卖瓜吃饭的,叫他也学我们书生扭扭捏捏,对自己的瓜谦虚一番,生意还用做么?他保证饿死大吉。 能欣赏自己,才能敬业乐业,写文章的人,若老是觉得自己的文章不行,我不相信他有信心涂下去。 卖文的,更不必说了。

11月 23, 2024 - 06:06

Daily Quote


It is a wise man’s duty to save himself for tomorrow, and not risk everything on one day. (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)



Poem of the Day



By R.S.Thomas


A field with tall hedges and a young

Moon in the branches and one star

Declining westward set the scene

Where he works slowly astride the rows

Of red marigolds and green swedes

Plying mechanically his cold blade.


This is his world, the hedge defines

The mind’s limits; only the sky

Is boundless, and he never looks up;

His gaze is deep in the dark soil,

As are his feet. The soil is all;

His hands fondle it, and his bones

Are formed out of it with the swedes.

And if sometimes the knife errs,

Burying itself in his shocked flesh,

Then out of the wound the blood seeps home

To the warm soils from which it came.

Beauty of Words



















