Turmoil Comes to Xbox: Here’s Five Smart Ways to Drill Down Deep
The post Turmoil Comes to Xbox: Here’s Five Smart Ways to Drill Down Deep appeared first on Xbox Wire.

December 13 marked a big day for aspiring oil tycoons who also happen to be Xbox gamers. That day, Turmoil, the unique simulation game focused on pumping up oil at the turn of the 20th century, arrived on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and the Microsoft Store. So, we’ve put together five hot tips to get your oil empire off to a running start!
1. Seek and ye shall find!

Once you’ve arrived on your first oil field, the first thing you’ll need to do is locate the underground wells filled with that bubbling crude. Your first – and best – method is by deploying dowsers. They’ll scour the field for a while, then once they’ve found a well will attract your attention with a whistle. Note that these dowsers will discover wells approximately in order of depth, so you won’t have to drill too deep for the ones they find first. Later on, you’ll also be able to enlist specially trained moles to dig for oil or use advanced scanners to uncover specific patches of the subsurface terrain. Even so, the trusty dowser will always remain the cornerstone of your oil-hunting escapades.
2. Slick drilling

Then, the time has come to set up your rig and start drilling. Every foot of your pipeline costs money, so the shorter a line you can draw between rig and well, the better. On the other hand, rigs are expensive too, so if you can lead those pipes from one rig to multiple wells, that would also be swell. It’s all about building the most efficient and cost-effective pipeline network, to extract as much oil as possible before your land lease expires. But watch out: there is such a thing as doing too well! Pumping up oil faster than your horse-drawn wagons can haul it away will lead to spillage… which is not only a waste of perfectly good black gold but will incur a hefty fine too.
3. The price is right… or left?

Of course, Turmoil isn’t just about getting oil above ground. It’s also about selling it… for maximum profit! Those crude-filled wagons can be sent to one of two competing oil companies, the very aptly named Left, Inc. and Right, Inc. Keep an eye on their fluctuating prices and sell wisely to maximize profits. Sometimes, the market can be pretty dire on both sides. That’s where silos come in handy: be sure to store your precious product until prices are back on the rise.
4. Grease your gears

Let’s be honest, you didn’t get into the oil game to make a modest profit every year. In Turmoil, the key to coming out on top is to keep upgrading your operation to increase efficiency and profitability. Luckily, the charming frontier town you return to after each drilling expedition, offers plenty of opportunities to do exactly that. You can invest in faster horses, bigger wagons, wider pipes and much, much more. But do get your priorities straight! Branching pipelines, deeper dowsing and the aforementioned silos should be at the top of your list… while gambling in the saloon is something you should only do once you’ve got money to spare.
5. Land of Opportunity

Your first patch of land is assigned to you. After that, you choose on which plot to stake your claim… and some of them are much richer in oil than others. Know that once you’ve found a juicy spot, the fields adjacent to it are also likely to be fruitful soil. But be warned that your rivals are aware of this… and you must be prepared to outbid all of them all to lease the most promising land. Eventually, you’ll move on to new areas which introduce even more ways to strike it rich. Parcels containing natural gas, for example, have the potential to be very lucrative indeed. And the Xbox and Microsoft Store version of Turmoil includes the DLC The Heat Is On DLC, with a fresh map that introduces fields with liquid hot magma, further ramping up the challenge… and the temperature.
So, there you have it! These strategic pointers provide everything you need to jumpstart your drilling dynasty, when Turmoil launches this week on Xbox and the Microsoft Store. With over a million players already hooked on its addictive gameplay, it’s your turn now to conquer the world of oil. Join the ranks of dedicated Texas Tea enthusiasts and, if you’ll allow us to mix our beverage-based metaphors, come drink our milkshake!

The post Turmoil Comes to Xbox: Here’s Five Smart Ways to Drill Down Deep appeared first on Xbox Wire.