Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with

By "giant" we mean "big enough to ride."

Dec 8, 2024 - 08:18
Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with

I've been reliably informed that some people want nothing more than a really big wolf to ride around on. Behold: Soulframe answers, with its latest teaser trailer showing off Orengall's new fable, which lets you forge a pact with the wolf. Which means big wolf. I mean, all wolves are big, but that one's really big.

The teaser trailer was debuted at the end of this week's Soulframe developer stream leading up to their enhanced pre-alpha—called Preludes—and eventually full public access to Soulframe. In it, the protagonist Envoy summons wolves to ride, battle alongside, and even uses wolf powers to contribute to their exploration and combat.

The developer stream showed off Soulframe's most recent updates, like the Silent Rose Cave that will serve as its first player social hub area with NPCs to talk to, side quests to grab, and other people to meet. There's also the aforementioned new fable for Orengall, as well as new environmental challenges and hazards that show up during dungeon delves.

"Ever since we started letting players get their hands on Soulframe earlier this year in our Pre-Alpha playtests, things have ramped up in the best way possible," said Geoff Crookes, Soulframe creative director, in a press release. "We've always had a greater vision for what we aspire Soulframe to be, but feedback from the community will always remain our north star. That community feedback paves a tailored roadmap on changes to make and focus on in our current Pre-Alpha around nearly every aspect of the game as we ramp things up for full public access. We hear the feedback around combat and lack of social features, which is why you’ve seen those elements become major focuses for us as we add new things like social hubs."

You can watch the full hour Soulframe Devstream 3 on YouTube, or embedded below. You can also just watch one funny bug they showed off.