Pokémon Go December 2024 Community Weekend event guide
Pokémon Go is hosting its yearly December Community Weekend event, allowing any players who missed out on previous Community Days throughout 2024 to catch up and get another chance at finding any shines they may have missed. The event features every Pokémon that was part of a 2024 Community Day and Community Day Classic. There […]

Pokémon Go is hosting its yearly December Community Weekend event, allowing any players who missed out on previous Community Days throughout 2024 to catch up and get another chance at finding any shines they may have missed.
The event features every Pokémon that was part of a 2024 Community Day and Community Day Classic. There are even 2023 Community Day Pokémon up for grabs as part of 2 km eggs.
The event takes place on Sunday, Dec. 21, and Saturday, Dec. 22, and the spawns will go on throughout both days from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., but from 2-5 p.m. each day, there will be set featured Pokémon available at a higher rate, allowing you to try hunting specific ones easier.
Below, we list all the available spawns for the Pokémon Go December 2024 Community Weekend event, along with the available bonuses.
Pokémon Go December 2024 Community Day Pokémon list
The following Pokémon will be available during the Community Day weekend. All have the chance to be shiny — and you can see what they all look like throughout the rest of this guide.
Pokémon Day Bellsprout Saturday Chansey Saturday Goomy Saturday Rowlet Saturday Litten Saturday Bounsweet Saturday Mankey Sunday Ponyta Sunday Galarian Ponyta Sunday Sewaddle Sunday Tynamo Sunday Popplio Sunday Porygon Both days (rare spawn) Cyndaquil Both days (rare spawn) Bagon Both days (rare spawn) Beldrum Both days (rare spawn) Slowpoke Both days (2 km eggs) Galarian Slowpoke Both days (2 km eggs) Poliwag Both days (2 km eggs) Togepi Both days (2 km eggs) Wooper Both days (2 km eggs) Paldean Wooper Both days (2 km eggs) Timburr Both days (2 km eggs) Axew Both days (2 km eggs) Chespin Both days (2 km eggs) Fennekin Both days (2 km eggs) Froakie Both days (2 km eggs) Grubbin Both days (2 km eggs) Noibat Both days (2 km eggs)
Saturday Community Day Pokémon spawns
The following Pokémon will be the focused spawns from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on Saturday, Dec. 21:

Sunday Community Day Pokémon spawns
The following Pokémon will be the focused spawns from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on Sunday, Dec. 22:

- Ponyta
- Galarian Ponyta

Community Day Classic Pokémon spawns
These Pokémon will spawn on either day, with a heightened chance to find them in the last ten minutes of each hour between 2-5 p.m. in your local time:

2023 Community Day 2 km egg Pokémon
Pokémon from the 2023 Community Days will be available from 2 km eggs:
- Slowpoke
- Galarian Slowpoke

- Poliwag

- Togepi

- Wooper
- Paldean Wooper

- Timburr

- Axew

- Chespin

- Fennekin

- Froakie

- Grubbin

- Noibat

December 2024 Community Weekend special moves
Evolving any of these Pokémon from Saturday, Dec. 21, at 9 a.m. until Sunday, Dec. 22, at 9 p.m. in your local time will give them the following special moves:
- Poliwhirl → Poliwrath: Counter
- Poliwhirl → Politoed: Ice Beam
- Weepinbell → Victreebel: Magical Leaf
- Ponyta → Rapidash: Wild Charge
- Galarian Ponyta → Galarian Rapidash: Wild Charge
- Slowpoke → Slowbro or Slowking: Surf
- Galarian Slowpoke → Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking: Surf
- Quilava → Typhlosion: Blast Burn
- Chansey → Blissey: Wild Charge
- Togetic → Togekiss: Aura Sphere
- Wooper → Quagsire: Aqua Tail
- Shelgon → Salamence: Outrage
- Metang → Metagross: Meteor Mash
- Porygon2 → Porygon-Z: Tri Attack
- Gurdurr → Conkeldurr: Brutal Swing
- Swadloon → Leavanny: Shadow Claw
- Eeletrik → Eelektross: Volt Switch
- Fraxure → Haxorus: Breaking Swipe
- Quilladin → Chesnaught: Frenzy Plant
- Delphox → Braixen: Blast Burn
- Frogadier → Greninja: Hydro Cannon
- Sliggoo → Goodra: Thunder Punch
- Noibat → Noivern: Boomburst
- Dartrix → Decidueye: Frenzy Plant
- Torracat → Incineroar: Blast Burn
- Brionne → Primarina: Hydro Cannon
- Grubbin → Charjabug: Volt Switch
- Charjabug → Vikavolt: Volt Switch
- Steenee → Tsareena: High Jump Kick
- Mankey → Primeape: Rage Fist
- Primeape → Annihilape: Rage Fist
- Paldean Wooper → Clodsire: Mega Horn
December 2024 Community Day bonuses and perks
Almost all of these bonuses will be available from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on both days:
- Doubled Stardust for catching Pokémon
- Doubled XP for catching Pokémon
- 1/2 hatch distance for eggs placed into Incubators during the event
- Doubled candy for catching Pokémon
- Doubled chance for level 31+ trainers to get XL candy from catching Pokémon
- Incense lasts three hours
- Lure Modules lasts three hours
- One additional special trade
- Stardust cost halved for trading
The trade-based bonuses will be active from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in your local time.