Path of Exile 2: Ultimate Guide to Guilds | Stash Tab, Microtransactions Shop
Everything you need to know about Guilds in one handy guide. The post Path of Exile 2: Ultimate Guide to Guilds | Stash Tab, Microtransactions Shop appeared first on Games Fuze.

Guilds in Path of Exile 2 are the ultimate meeting place for groups of players, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with them ASAP.
The main benefit of Guilds is the Guild Stash. It’s a Stash that’s shared across all members of the Guild. It’s fantastic for amassing a lot of loot and sharing it with others! Of course, it also has other benefits such as its own chat channel and whatnot.
In this ultimate guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Guilds in Path of Exile 2.
Ultimate Guide to Guilds | Path of Exile 2
Creating or Joining a Guild

If you wish to create your own Guild, you can create it from the Guild tab of the Social menu. You can quickly open the Social menu on PC by just pressing the J key if you play with a keyboard and mouse.
For controller players, you need to open the Game Menu by pressing whatever the Start equivalent is on your controller. If you’re using a PlayStation DualSense, it’s the Options button. With an Xbox controller, it’s the Menu Button.
Then just use R1 (PlayStation) or RB (Xbox) to switch over to the Guild tab.
Either way, you can now just input your Guild’s name into the text field and select Create Guild. You’re also free to invite any players you wish to your Guild!
If you wish to join another player’s Guild, you’ll simply need to ask them to invite you. Most players just ask to be invited through the Global chat in-game, as there’s no Guild directory currently. You’ll get a notification and the choice to either accept or decline the invitation. Just accept it and you’ll be a member!
Guild Member Roles

All members within a Guild have one of four different roles or tiers. These can be freely switched around by the leader of the Guild at any time. These are the roles from top to bottom:
- Leader – The head honcho of the Guild, usually whoever created it. They’re free to invite and kick members, as well as to change the roles of other members. They can also use the Microtransaction Shop to purchase additional Stash Tabs for the Guild Stash, which we’ll cover later in this guide.
- Official – The same as Members, but they are able to freely invite any players into the Guild. Of course, they also get access to the Official tier of the Guild Stash, being second only to the Leader.
- Member – A standard role. Can access the Members’ tier of the Guild Stash, but that’s about it.
- Initiate – The lowest rank in the Guild, usually reserved for players who just joined. They only have access to the lowest tier of the Guild Stash.
These roles are primarily used to decide who gets what type of privileges in the Guild Stash. If you’re a Leader, think carefully about who you trust when setting their roles.
The Guild Stash

This is the ultimate reason to join and create Guilds in Path of Exile 2. The Guild Stash is similar to each player’s personal Stash, except it’s shared by all members of the Guild. You can always find the Guild Stash right next to your personal Stash.
Notably, the Leader of the Guild can purchase additional Stash Tabs. They’re under the Guild section of the Microtransaction Shop and they require Guild Points. You can convert your bought Points to Guild Points at a 1:1 ratio.
If you’re wondering what all the Stash Tabs do and which ones are the best to get, check out our guide on Stash Tabs. Just note that Guild Stash Tabs are pricier than Personal Stash Tabs, but not drastically so for the most part.
To help with purchases, Guild Members can donate Guild Points. Any member who gives an accepted donation cannot be kicked from the Guild for at least 3 months. The Leader can check any donations on the Guild Transactions page of the official website.
As for the Stash Tabs themselves, the Guild Leader has the ability to set them up however they want. This includes defining which members get access to which tabs. That’s what the Guild Roles we covered previously are primarily for. The Guild Tab Permissions are under the tab Customization settings, as shown above.
We recommend spending some time familiarizing yourself with the Guild Stash interface if you’re the Guild Leader. It’ll be key to defining what your Guild’s members can get and add to the Stash!
Chatting Up with Guild Members

Lastly, you’ll get a Guild chat channel whenever you’re part of a Guild. You can speak to any other Guild members who are also online. It’s great for setting up parties, talking about Guild Stash permissions, or just hanging around with pals.
So, there you have it, that’s the end of your ultimate guide to Guilds in Path of Exile 2. The Guild Stash is by far the main reason to be part of a Guild, so make sure you make good use of it!
It’s also worth noting that Guilds will be able to have a designated Guild Hideout later on, just like they did in Path of Exile 1. However, this feature seems to not be implemented yet, which is why we didn’t cover it.
The post Path of Exile 2: Ultimate Guide to Guilds | Stash Tab, Microtransactions Shop appeared first on Games Fuze.