Path of Exile 2: How to Set Skill Key Binds on Controller

Using a controller in Path of Exile 2’s early access test? You might need this tip! The post Path of Exile 2: How to Set Skill Key Binds on Controller appeared first on Games Fuze.

Dec 8, 2024 - 08:18
Path of Exile 2: How to Set Skill Key Binds on Controller

Path of Exile 2 now has a playable early access that features roughly half of the content you can expect in the full release, whenever that may be. Players on console or those who just prefer using a controller in general may be wondering how to re-bind their abilities. So, in this guide, we will be briefly showing you how to do just that, particularly for the PC version of the game!

How to Set Skill Key Binds on Controller

Before we begin, it should be noted that Path of Exile 2 currently only supports a limited range of controllers, or at least that is what the options menu states. If you cannot get your third party controller to work, you may need to wait for future updates or find a workaround elsewhere.

The more popular options, which are Dualsense or Dualshock controllers, as well as those for the Xbox, should work without any issues if that is what you have, though.

Now, to actually rebind your buttons, particularly for your skills, you can simply open the inventory and then navigate over to “Skills” by using the bumper buttons (this will vary depending on your controller).

There, you should be able to hover over individual skills. If you look at the bottom of the screen, you will see a “Set Skill Bind” option, so just press whichever button prompt shows up there to bring up the key binding interface.

You can also select a skill and then scroll down to the “Set Skill Bind” option. Either way, both methods will get you to the same menu.

POE 2 inventory screen with "set skill bind" highlighted

After that, all you need to do now is select which button you want the selected skill to be bound to. This will also show you what other stuff you currently have set up, including your quick slot consumables and more.

You should be able to pick up and bind other skills in this menu as well, not just the one that you initially picked. You can also remove current keybinds if you are unsatisfied with your current setup.

This interface can also be accessed through the pause menu. At the bottom of the radial menu will be the “Bind Screen” option, which will bring you to the exact same interface where you can pick up and drop bound abilities and items.

You can also select empty slots in order to pick inputs for them. This will let you bind both consumables and abilities without needing to bring up the skills or inventory interfaces.

POE 2 slotting in crossbow shot to a button

And that is pretty much all you need to know in order to fix your skill binds while using a controller. It is hardly complicated, though it can be a bit tedious once you start progressing a little further, especially if you suddenly decide to shift to a different build.

The post Path of Exile 2: How to Set Skill Key Binds on Controller appeared first on Games Fuze.