How to solve the Sacred Wounds puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

You’ll find the Sacred Wounds puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle while exploring the Underworld below Nicholas the Fifth’s tower in the Vatican. You’ll reach it after finding and photographing the four Strange Inscriptions for Father Antonio. Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guide will show you how to find the Sacred […]

Dec 8, 2024 - 08:20
How to solve the Sacred Wounds puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Sacred Wounds puzzle

You’ll find the Sacred Wounds puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle while exploring the Underworld below Nicholas the Fifth’s tower in the Vatican. You’ll reach it after finding and photographing the four Strange Inscriptions for Father Antonio.

Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guide will show you how to find the Sacred Wounds puzzle, and includes a full Sacred Wounds puzzle solution.

How to find the Sacred Wounds puzzle

After Indy and Father Antonio solve the mystery of the Strange Inscriptions, you’ll have to head to Nicholas the Fifth’s Tower right down the road.

Find the Underworld Gate

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Underworld Gate

When you get to the tower, head into the room on the west side of the tower. As you approach the altar, snap a picture of the Strange Mural. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle opening the Underworld Gate

Pour some wine into the basin and the mural will become a lock. Interact with it and turn it until the door opens.

Explore the Underworld

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle using a candle to explore the Underworld

On the other side of the Underworld Gate, you’ll find a deteriorating staircase. Before you go anywhere, grab a candle from the altar so you can see what you’re doing (the Underworld is dark).

If you head up, you can find the Parade Helmet — part of the Lost Artifacts of Europe discovery. Once you’ve got it, take the stairs all the way down.

Keep lighting braziers and torches as you go and follow the only path you can. Eventually, you’ll reach the Sacred Wounds puzzle.

How to solve the Sacred Wounds puzzle

As you approach the puzzle, snap a picture of it, and then pour wine into the basin. Five levers will appear corresponding to Jesus’s hands, side, and feet — the titular sacred wounds.

To the left and right of the puzzle, there are five more murals and basins to interact with. They’ll give you the numbers you need to set the various levers to.

We’ll start by heading left.

Holy Chalice (left hand)

Just to the left of the Sacred Wounds puzzle, you’ll find the Holy Chalice mural. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle moving an antique bust covering a basin

When you get there, there’ll be an antique bust laying on top of the basin. Pick it up and move it out of the way. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Holy Chalice mural

Grab a picture of the mural and note the body part with a halo-like circle around it — Jesus’ left hand (your right). Indiana Jones and the Great Circle wine basin revealing a number

When you’re ready, pour wine in the basin. This will reveal a number (Roman numeral) — 2.

Body of Christ (right hand)

Continue left and through the gate. When you pass under the gate, it will close behind you. That’s fine — there’s another way out. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Body of Christ mural

Snap a picture and pour wine in the basin to get your next number — 2.

Spear of Longinus (side)

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle path to the next mural

Over to the left of the mural, you’ll find a torch next to a door. Light it from the fire by the mural and then pass through the door. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle breaking a fragile wall with a heavy candlestick

Around the corner, you’ll find the next mural. Before you do anything with it, though, grab one of the heavy candlesticks from the ground on your left and use it to break down the fragile wall. That’s your way back to the main room. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Spear of Longinus statue

Grab a photo of the mural (statue) and do the wine trick again to get the next number — 3.

Walking on Water (right foot)

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Walking on Water mural

Back in the main room, look to the right of the Sacred Wounds puzzle. This mural doesn’t have any extra steps to it. Snap your picture and pour the wine to get another 3.

Anointment of Jesus (left foot)

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle chain to open the gate

To the right, you can see the next mural, but there’s a gate in the way. Luckily, there’s a crack in the wall right next to it. Pass through and turn to the left to find a chain that will open the gate (or ignore it and go back through the crack). Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Anointment of Jesus mural

Picture. Wine. 4.

Sacred Wounds puzzle solution

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Sacred Wounds puzzle solution

Back at the Sacred Wounds puzzle, move the levers to match the numbers you found. This will open a new door and give you an objective to find the warrior giant’s tomb.