How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

Take down the forgemaster inside the vault to please the monkey god! The post How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss appeared first on Games Fuze.

Dec 18, 2024 - 20:39
How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

“Search of The Molten Vault” is one of the objectives for the “Treasures of Utzaal” quest in Act 3 of Path of Exile 2, and it will also require you to take down Mektul the Forgemaster.

This quest is given to you by Oswald at the Ziggurat Encampment. He seems a bit obsessed with Kamasa, a monkey god, and tasks you with seeking a treasure related to the deity. After all, treasure hunters hunt for treasure, right?

In this guide, we’ll help you find The Molten Vault and defeat Mektul for Oswald.

How to Search for The Molten Vault and Mektul the Forgemaster Boss | Treasures of Utzaal

Quest Start | How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

You’ll get the objective to “Search for The Molten Vault” in Path of Exile 2 when you talk with Oswald and start the “Treasures of Utzaal” quest. You can find Oswald at the Ziggurat Encampment in Act 3.

The Drowned City

Once you start the quest from Oswald, you simply need to leave the Ziggurat Encampment by the exit that takes you to The Drowned City. Be prepared when going there, though, as it’s a notoriously difficulty area.

In The Drowned City, you’ll need to explore the map until you find the entrance to The Molten Vault. Much like every other area in the game, The Drowned City is procedurally generated each instance. That means its exits, such as the one leading to The Molten Vault, are always in random locations.

Vault Entrance | How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

The entrance is also fairly non-distinct so there are no real landmarks to look out for. Oswald tells you to look for monkey statues, but we couldn’t notice any leading to The Molten Vault. You will, however, find a portal to summon Oswald right outside of The Molten Vault’s entrance. Use it to complete the “Search for The Molten Vault” objective!

Prepare yourself and dive right in if you wish to challenge the vault’s boss and complete the quest.

Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

Mektul | How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

You can find Mektul, the Forgemaster as the boss within The Molten Vault. He will always be in The Aureaduct section of the dungeon.

Fighting Mektul

Mektul is a fairly simple boss, for the most part. He can do slow-but-powerful hammer swings which set the ground on fire when he smashes. We highly recommend having a high Fire Resistance to help you survive his attacks!

The major thing to keep in mind during the fight is that The Aureaduct will get filled with molten gold as the fight progresses. The arena is pretty long so it takes a while to be fully consumed by the molten gold, but you should make sure to have enough damage output to kill Mektul fast.

Mektul Molten Gold

Speaking of the molten gold, sometimes Mektul will also get away from you and go stand in the molten gold. He will then start shooting waves of molten gold toward you. They move pretty slowly, but they can overwhelm you if you’re not careful. Use your dodge to avoid them. It’s also a good idea to have any form of ranged damage for when Mektul does this, since you can’t reach him with melee weapons.

Hammer of Kamasa | How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss

Once you defeat Mektul, pick up The Hammer of Kamasa from his drops. Then return to Oswald at the Ziggurat Encampment and deliver it to him. He’ll reward you with 1 Uncut Skill Gem and 1000 Gold for completing the quest.

So, there you have it! That’s how to search for The Molten Vault and defeat Mektul as part of the “Treasures of Ulzaat” quest in Path of Exile 2.

Speaking of treasures in Ulzaat, you might randomly find Golden Idols as you explore the area. If you’re wondering what to do with them, check out our guide about how to use Golden Idols!

The post How to Search for Molten Vault in Path of Exile 2 | Mektul the Forgemaster Boss appeared first on Games Fuze.