How to obtain Calm Thoughts in Infinity Nikki
Keep calm and carry on styling.

If you're anything like me, you'll have been eyeing up those palette-swapped versions of your ability outfits and other four-star ensembles in the Clothing Evolution menu ever since you started playing. Yep, in case you didn't notice, you can actually craft each outfit twice—once to unlock the outfit and any ability attached, and a second time to get an extra getup with new colours and patterns. Think an adorable black-and-white kitten print for your animal cleaning fit, or floating around in gorgeous green tones rather than blue.
You'll need a little more than just a duplicate outfit, though: Blings, Threads of Purity, and Calm Thoughts. You should already have plenty of the first two from simply adventuring around Miraland, but the latter is one you won't come by for a good long while.
To save you from poking around every menu and all the nooks and crannies of the world, here's how you obtain Calm Thoughts to give your favourite fits a new coat of fabric dye.
How to obtain Calm Thoughts
You should obtain your first handful of Calm Thoughts during Chapter 7 of the main story. You'll need to defeat the boss—who I won't name here for spoiler purposes, but you'll know it when you see it as it's a similar arena-style battle to previous chapter bosses—after which you'll be rewarded with three Calm Thoughts.
Unfortunately, three won't cut it, as you actually need seven to evolve a single outfit. Thankfully, once you defeat the Chapter 7 boss you'll unlock the Realm of Breakthrough, which you can access from visiting any activated Warp Spires across the map and pressing F to open up Realm Challenges.
Rewards from the Realm of Breakthrough trials cost 60 Vital Energy to obtain, and you'll only be able to do it once per week. I only have one Realm of Breakthrough trial right now, the Chapter 7 boss, and was able to obtain three additional Calm Thoughts for the week. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do it a second time yet, so I'm unsure if this is a set number for the trial or whether it's randomised each week. As soon as I'm able to figure that out for sure, I'll make sure to update this guide.
This means that you could be looking at a minimum of three weeks to evolve one outfit. Similar gacha games often have weekly bosses with their own claimable rewards, so I'd be surprised if Infinity Nikki doesn't have something similar planned. With plenty of alternate colours to collect, and more surely to come in the future, it would make sense to provide a wider means of obtaining these down the line.