How to Defeat Count Geonor in Path of Exile 2
Beat the Mad Wolf of Ogham with these quick and handy tips! The post How to Defeat Count Geonor in Path of Exile 2 appeared first on Games Fuze.

Path of Exile 2 is now playable for those who have bought into the early access test, and people are already getting stuck in certain parts of the game. One of the few walls that people seem to be hitting is Count Geonor, who is the final boss of the first act in the game. In this guide, we will be giving you a few tips on how to tackle the fight and hopefully defeat the mad wolf!
How to Defeat Count Geonor
Before we get started, you should know that this is going to be more about the fight itself rather than giving you advice on your build. The developers have been doing a lot of balance changes on a regular basis, so it is futile to talk about what builds are the “best” right now.
Now, one thing that does ring true at the moment is that summoners in general will likely have a tougher time in this fight. You might want to adjust and try something else until you beat him if you are struggling.
Count Geonor Fight – First Phase
During the first phase of the fight, it is fairly straightforward and there really is not much to note here. His attacks are fairly easy to dodge, and you can kite him with no issues if you are using a ranged setup.
To trivialize this even further, you can try using the WASD control scheme so you can constantly apply pressure on him as you move around. Just don’t forget to dodge whenever he is done winding up large swings or charges.
After reaching a certain health threshold, he will transform into a wolf. Again, continue dodging his attacks as usual and watch out for court werewolves, which he will occasionally summon while in this form. Area of effect attacks would be handy here.
The only move you absolutely have to keep an eye out for is his diving attack. When he fades away and a red ring appears on your general area, dodge away. Getting hit by this will result in massive damage.
Count Geonor Fight – Second Phase
Eventually, once he reaches a little under 50% health, he will shift into a new form called The Putrid Wolf. This resets his health back to full, and he will have an entirely different set of moves that you need to avoid.
His attacks are all heavily telegraphed, so all you really need to do is pay attention to the arena and avoid very obvious stuff like the following:
- The same diving attack he can do in the first phase, which forms a red ring around you.
- Pillars of white light that will deal damage under them after a brief moment.
- A spitting attack in which he sprays ice in a cone, which can also slow you down if you are within range.
- He will jam his sword on the ground and form circle of ice all around the arena. Simply avoid stepping on these as they will detonate once he is done charging.
The one thing that throws many people off and causes a lot of unnecessary deaths is the fog mechanic. Every now and then, a fog will form, leaving you with a small circle to run around in.
Whenever this happens, Geonor will periodically charge through the fog. Many have noted that he charges every 4 or 5 seconds, but you can also use his voice lines as an indicator.
While the fog is active, he will start yapping a whole poem throughout its duration. Every time he pauses or finishes a line, this is when he will charge at you. Be ready to dodge whenever he stops talking, and continue with this loop until the fog dissipates.
That is the entire loop of the phase. He is a bit of a sponge right now, so it will take a lot of time to take him down even if you do the mechanics perfectly.
When he reaches low health, he ramps up quite a bit and starts shooting pillars of light throughout the fight, but this time with a different color (red). You just need to dodge them as normal, as all that really happens is that it adds an extra constant layer of damage to try and avoid.
Just stay mobile and you should be fine. That tip applies to the whole fight, really. As long as you are constantly on the move and time your dodges right, you should be completely fine against this somewhat overtuned boss.
That is everything you need to know in order to fight Count Geonor in Path of Exile 2. If you are still struggling with him, we recommend asking around for help, as partying up can make the fight a tad more doable, since you will have slightly more room for mistakes by not having aggro 24/7.
The post How to Defeat Count Geonor in Path of Exile 2 appeared first on Games Fuze.