All Palworld Pals, types, and skills in the Paldeck

Palworld features more than 100 creatures, titularly dubbed “Pals.” You can treat your Pals with love, or you can put them to work in a factory — and even butcher them. With this many Pals in one game, it can be hard to tell which ones are worth keeping or employing your base. Pals have […]

Dec 19, 2024 - 21:09
All Palworld Pals, types, and skills in the Paldeck

Palworld features more than 100 creatures, titularly dubbed “Pals.” You can treat your Pals with love, or you can put them to work in a factory — and even butcher them. With this many Pals in one game, it can be hard to tell which ones are worth keeping or employing your base.

Pals have different elemental types and work skills, making it so no two Pals are exactly alike. One may appear similar, but it may be better at completing a certain task over another.

In our Palworld guide, we’ve collated base information on all Pals in Palworld. Our guide provides the basic information you’ll need about every Pal, including their Paldeck number, work skills, and elements. And if you’re curious about which ones to prioritize, see our list of the best Pals to keep you at your base.

Palworld Pals list

A bunch of Pals face off in battle in key art for Palworld.

Palworld charts Pals in the Paldeck menu. We’ve organized the Pals in the table below by their Paldeck number. Below is a list of all Pals in Palworld, along with information about the type and “work suitability” base skills for those Pals.

#NameElementWork skills
1LamballNeutralHandiwork 1, Transporting 1, Farming 1
2CattivaNeutralHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1
3ChikipiNeutralGathering 1, Farming 1 (eggs)
4LifmunkGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1
5FoxparksFireKindling 1
6FuackWaterWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
7SparkitElectricGenerating Electricity 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
8TanzeeGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Transporting 1
9RoobyFireKindling 1
10PengulletWater/IceWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Cooling 1, Transporting 1
11PenkingWater/IceWatering 2, Handiwork 2, Mining 2, Cooling 2, Transporting 2
12JolthogElectricGenerating Electricity 1
12BJolthog CrystIceCooling 1
13GumossGrass/GroundPlanting 1
14VixyNeutralGathering 1, Farming 1 (Pal spheres, arrows, gold)
15HoocratesDarkGathering 1
16TeafantWaterWatering 1
17DepressoDarkHandiwork 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1
18CremisNeutralGathering 1, Farming 1 (wool)
19DaedreamDarkHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
20RushoarGroundMining 1
21NoxDarkGathering 1
22FuddlerGroundHandiwork 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1
23KillamariDarkGathering 1, Transporting 2
24MauDarkFarming 1 (gold)
24BMau CrystIceCooling 1, Farming 1 (gold)
25CelarayWaterWatering 1, Transporting 1
26DirehowlNeutralGathering 1
27TocotocoNeutralGathering 1
28FlopieGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 1
29MozzarinaNeutralFarming 1 (milk)
30BristlaGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 1
31GobfinWaterWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
31BGobfin IgnisFireKindling 2, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
32HangyuGroundHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 2
32BHangyu CrystIceHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Cooling 1
33MossandaGrassPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
33BMossanda LuxElectricGenerating Electricity 2, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
34WoolipopNeutralFarming 1 (cotton candy)
35CaprityGrassPlanting 2, Farming 1 (red berries)
36MelpacaNeutralFarming 1 (wool)
37EikthyrdeerNeutralLumbering 2
37BEikthyrdeer TerraGroundLumbering 2
38NitewingNeutralGathering 2
39RibbunyNeutralHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
40IncineramFire/DarkKindling 1, Handiwork 2, Mining 1, Transporting 2
40BInceneram NoctDarkHandiwork 2, Mining 1, Transporting 2
41CinnamothGrassPlanting 2, Medicine Production 1
42ArsoxFireKindling 2, Lumbering 1
43DumudGroundWatering 1, Mining 2, Transporting 1, Farming 1 (high-quality Pal oil)
44CawgnitoDarkLumbering 1
45LeezpunkDarkHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
45BLeezpunk IgnisFireKindling 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
46LoupmoonDarkHandiwork 2
47GaleclawNeutralGathering 2
48RobinquillGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Gathering 2
48BRobinquill TerraGrass/GroundHandiwork 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Gathering 2
49GoriratNeutralHandiwork 1, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
49BGorirat TerraGroundHandiwork 1, Mining 2, Transporting 3
50BeegardeGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Farming 1 (honey)
51ElizabeeGrassPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Gathering 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 2
52GrintaleNeutralGathering 2
53SweeIceGathering 1, Cooling 1
54SweepaIceGathering 2, Cooling 2
55ChilletIce/DragonGathering 1, Cooling 1
56BChillet IgnisFire/DragonGathering 1, Kindling 2
56UnivoltElectricGenerating Electricity 2, Lumbering 1
57FoxcicleIceCooling 1
58PyrinFireKindling 2, Lumbering 1
58BPyrin NoctFire/DarkKindling 2, Lumbering 1
59ReindrixIceLumbering 2, Cooling 2
60RayhoundElectricGenerating Electricity 2
61KitsunFireKindling 2
62DazziElectricGenerating Electricity 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
63LunarisNeutralHandiwork 3, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
64DinossomGrass/DragonPlanting 2, Lumbering 2
64BDinossom LuxElectric/DragonGenerating Electricity 2, Lumbering 2
65SurfentWaterWatering 2
65BSurfent TerraGroundGathering 1
66MaraithDarkGathering 2, Mining 1
67DigtoiseGroundMining 3
68TombatDarkGathering 2, Mining 2, Transporting 2
69LovanderNeutralHandiwork 2, Mining 1, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 2
70FlambelleFireKindling 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1, Farming 1 (flame organs)
71VanwyrmFire/DarkKindling 1, Transporting 3
71BVanwyrm CrystIce/DarkCooling 2, Transporting 3
72BushiFireKindling 2, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 3, Transporting 2
72BBushi NoctFire/DarkKindling 2, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 3, Transporting 2
73BeakonElectricGenerating Electricity 2, Gathering 1, Transporting 3
74RagnahawkFireKindling 3, Transporting 3
75KatressDarkHandiwork 2, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 2
75BKatress IgnisDark/FireKindling 2, Handiwork 2, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 2
76WixenFireKindling 2, Handiwork 3, Transporting 2
76BWixen NoctFire/DarkKindling 2, Handiwork 3, Transporting 2
77VerdashGrassPlanting 2, Handiwork 3, Gathering 3, Lumbering 2, Transporting 2
78VaeletGrassPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Gathering 3, Medicine Production 3, Transporting 1
79SibelyxIceMedicine Production 2, Cooling 2, Farming 1 (high quality cloth)
80ElphidranDragonLumbering 2
80BElphidran AquaDragon/WaterWatering 3, Lumbering 2
81KelpseaWaterWatering 1, Farming 1 (Pal fluids)
81BKelpsea IgnisFireKindling 1, Farming 1 (flame organs)
82AzurobeWater/DragonWatering 3
83CryolinxIceHandiwork 1, Lumbering 2, Cooling 3
84BlazehowlFireKindling 3, Lumbering 2
84BBlazehowl NoctFire/DarkKindling 3, Lumbering 2
85RelaxaurusDragon/WaterWatering 2, Transporting 1
85BRelaxaurus LuxDragon/ElectricGenerating Electricity 3, Transporting 1
86BroncherryGrassPlanting 3
86BBroncherry AquaGrass/WaterWatering 3
87PetalliaGrassPlanting 3, Handiwork 2, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 1
88ReptyroFire/GroundKindling 3, Mining 3
88BReptyro CrystIce/GroundMining 3, Cooling 3
89KingpacaNeutralGathering 1
89BKingpaca CrystIceGathering 1, Cooling 3
90MammorestGrassPlanting 2, Lumbering 2, Mining 2
90BMammorest CrystIceLumbering 2, Mining 2, Cooling 2
91WumpoIceHandiwork 2, Lumbering 3, Cooling 2, Transporting 4
91BWumpo BotanGrassPlanting 1, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 3, Transporting 4
92WarsectGrass/GroundPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Lumbering 3, Transporting 3
92BWarsect TerraGroundHandiwork 1, Mining 3, Transporting 3
93FenglopeNeutralLumbering 2
94FelbatDarkMedicine Production 3
95QuivernDragonHandiwork 1, Gathering 2, Mining 3, Transporting 3
95BQuivern BotanDragon/GrassHandiwork 1, Gathering 2, Mining 2, Planting 2, Transporting 3
96BlazamutFireKindling 3, Mining 4
96BBlazamut RyuDragon/FireKindling 3, Mining 4
97HelzephyrDarkTransporting 3
97BHelzephr LuxDark/ElectricGenerating Electricity 3, Transporting 3
98AstegonDragon/DarkHandiwork 1, Mining 4
99MenastingDark/GroundLumbering 2, Mining 3
99BMenasting TerraGroundLumbering 2, Mining 3
100AnubisGroundHandiwork 4, Mining 3, Transporting 2
101JormuntideDragon/WaterWatering 4
101BJormuntide IgnisDragon/FireKindling 4
102SuzakuFireKindling 3
102BSuzaku AquaWaterWatering 3
103GrizzboltElectricGenerating Electricity 3, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
104LyleenGrassPlanting 4, Handiwork 3, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 3
105BLyleen NoctDarkHandiwork 3, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 3
105FalerisFireKindling 3, Transporting 3
106OrserkDragon/ElectricGenerating Electricity 4, Handiwork 3, Transporting 3
107ShadowbeakDarkGathering 1
108PaladiusNeutralLumbering 2, Mining 2
109NecromusDarkLumbering 2, Mining 2
110FrostallionIceCooling 4
110BFrostallion NoctDarkGathering 4
111JetragonDragonGathering 3
112BellanoirDarkHandiwork 2, Medicine Production 4, Transporting 2
112BBellanoir LiberoDarkHandiwork 2, Medicine Production 4, Transporting 2
113SelyneDark/NeutralHandiwork 3, Medicine Production 3, Transporting 3
114CroajiroWaterGathering 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1, Watering 1
115LulluGrassGathering 1, Handiwork 2, Medicine Production 2, Planting 2
116ShroomerGrassGathering 2, Lumbering 2, Handiwork 1, Planting 2
116BShroomer NoctGrass/DarkGathering 2, Lumbering 2, Handiwork 1, Planting 2
117KikitGroundMining 1
118SootseerDark/FireGathering 1, Kindling 3, Handiwork 2, Mining 2, Farming 1
119PrixterDark/GroundGathering 1, Lumbering 3, Medicine Production 1
120KnocklemGroundGathering 3, Mining 3, Transporting 4
121YakumoNeutralGathering 2
122DogenNeutralGathering 2, Lumbering 2, Handiwork 3, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2
123DazemuGroundGathering 2
124MimogNeutralGathering 1
125XenovaderDarkLumbering 2, Transporting 2
126XenogardDragonMining 3

For more Palworld guides, we’ve got you covered. If you’re just starting out, we’ve got a beginner’s guide, a list of all Pals, and a type chart. We also have explainers on breedingeggs, and a rundown of how multiplayer works.

On the hunt for resources? Check out our guides on how to get ore, coalpolymerleathersulfurwheat seedspure quartzAncient Technology Points, and ancient civilization parts. For advanced players, consult our lists of all tower boss locations, all passive skills, all flying mounts, and the best base locations.