What do different e-TAG beeps mean?
Your toll tag, commonly known as an e-TAG, actually has a variety of different types...

Your toll tag, commonly known as an e-TAG, actually has a variety of different types of beeps. Here’s what they mean.
If you live in or travel regularly to any of Australia’s three biggest cities, you’ll know all about e-TAGs or toll tags, but did you know the beeps they emit can mean different things?
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Australia’s last cash toll booth closed in July 2013, marking over a decade since you had to fumble around the car looking for loose change.
Since then, toll booths have been replaced with numberplate and tag-recognition software, which eliminates the need to slow down to pay for a toll-based road and cuts down on travel time.
When travelling through a toll point, you may hear a little beep to signal that your toll tag has been scanned, but did you know that beeps can mean different things?
What does it mean if my e-TAG doesn’t beep?
If your tag does not beep, it could mean a variety of things. If you have an older tag, it could mean that the battery is dead inside it or that it has simply stopped working.
Unfortunately, the battery cannot be easily replaced at home. However, Linkt, the tag supplier, offers a free replacement that can be ordered over the phone, on its website, or through the app. The replacement comes with a mailbag to send your old one back.
You will be charged a $15 fee if you do not return the tag.
It could also mean that your tag is not installed in a spot that is picked up by the RFID sensors.
TransportNSW offers the following advice for installing the tag in the right spot: “Attach your tag to the inside of the car windscreen behind the driver’s rear-vision mirror. It must be at least 10cm from the top of the windscreen and should be placed below any tinting or external visor”.
What does it mean if my e-TAG beeps once?
If your toll tag beeps once, it means you are good to go and everything is in order. You have successfully passed through a toll point, and it has recognised your tag.
What does it mean if my e-TAG beeps three times?
If your tag beeps three times, then your account balance is low and may need to be topped up soon.
To top up, you can call your tag provider and make a transaction over the phone. Otherwise, you can head to the Linkt website or use the Linkt app to top up manually. You can also set up an automatic top-up through its site, so you no longer need to put money into your account each time it runs out.
What does it mean if my e-TAG beeps four times?
If your tag beeps four times, then your account has been suspended due to an overdue bill.
This is only a concern for people who do not have an automatic top-up or who have cancelled the card or bank account connected to the automatic top-up system.
If your e-TAG beeps four times, you should contact your tag provider to amend the overdue amount and have your account reactivated.
The post What do different e-TAG beeps mean? appeared first on Drive.