Human-Computer Interface • HCI
A human-computer interface is the point of contact between a human user and a computer system.

See also Human-Computer Interaction
A human-computer interface is the point of contact between a human user and a computer system. It can be as simple as a single button on a machine or as complex as a multimodal system that takes input from multiple senses and allows for two-way communication. The purpose of a human-computer interface is to enable humans to interact with computers in a way that is natural and efficient. In order to do this, interfaces must take into account the limitations of human cognition and provide feedback that is comprehensible to the user. The field of human-computer interaction is concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of human-computer interfaces. As computing technologies become increasingly ubiquitous, the need for effective human-computer interfaces will only become more important.
The term human-computer interface (HCI) refers to the way people interact with computers. It includes the hardware and software that make up a system, as well as the method used to input data and receive information from the system. HCI is a rapidly evolving field, as new technologies are constantly being developed to make computer systems more user-friendly. One of the most important aspects of HCI is usability, which refers to how easy it is for users to perform tasks using a particular system. To achieve high levels of usability, HCI designers must have a deep understanding of how people interact with computers. They use this knowledge to create interfaces that are both effective and efficient.